They began together exploring the Bat Within Skullpy T-Shirt .primeval forests near Pittsburgh. Each season they marched further west, returning in the fall to the cider mills of Western Pennsylvania, to beg and sort apple seeds for next spring’s excursion beyond where any other white men fought or explored. Kelly and John Chapman parted at last where is now Fort Wayne in Northern Indiana.And Johnny Appleseed’s dearest devotion was in reading and re-reading Swedenborg’s “Heaven and Hell,” which he carried in his seed-sack. And Hunter Kelly would shoot deer, over whom Johnny 42Appleseed would weep. So these two were separated when Kelly’s lust for hunting was on him like the passion of mighty Nimrod.Hunter Kelly was an Irish Catholic boy reared in a Pittsburgh orphan asylum. In the very first years of the nation he met, and became an ardent disciple of, John Chapman—Johnny Appleseed, and differed from him seriously on only two points, the Catholic Church, and hunting. Kelly’s dearest devotion was re-reading St. Augustine’s “City of God,” which he carried always in his hunter’s pouch, by his powder horn.
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